Developer & Security Officer
Web Cop
“No, Daddy. NO!!”— Parenting a strong, young woman
Areas of Expertise
Website project management, web development and programming, information technology (IT), data analytics, data and web security
B.S. Summa Cum Laude in Electronic Business Design with a minor in General Business from Western Michigan University
With LKF Marketing since 2014, in IT since 2004
Description of Duties
Jeremy handles all of LKF’s super important, top-secret information, and is our programming wizard. In fact, he’s so good at his job, we think he possibly worked for the CIA (just kidding… or are we?)
A tech-y master and builder of well-protected websites, Jeremy takes our abilities to provide intelligent marketing solutions to the next level. He even helped us develop our own innovative and customized WordPress theme—McConimore®—that we reserve exclusively for LKF clients.
We sleep soundly at night knowing that our client’s information, and LKF’s, is well-protected by Jeremy’s extensive and vigilant tactics. Gandalf the Grey is his guide, “Keep it secret. Keep it safe.” No hacker is getting past these walls!
Fun Facts
Jeremy is originally from Georgia yet he considers himself a Michigander after all the years he’s been here. He lives in Holland with his wife, Rachel, and daughter, Samantha. He’s got strong Kalamazoo ties as a WMU graduate and, of course, as an LKFer!
Jeremy is all about the family fun. He and his wife enjoy playing with Duplos, constructing towers, and pretending to be train engineers. Their young daughter is quick to critique them.
He’s also an avid LEGO collector and finds it relaxing to build a set—the more pieces, the better. While Jeremy has the childlike wonder that we all wish we had more of, he also enjoys plenty of adult activities, like the craft beverage scene of southwest Michigan and traveling with his wife. We’re lucky to have him on the LKF team!