Makers Director & SEO Specialist
The Superstar Seeker
“I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.”
Areas of Expertise
Website project management, search engine optimization, online ad planning and monitoring, strategic planning, client relations
B.A. Cum Laude in Communication with minors in Management and French from Albion College
With LKF Marketing since 2006, In web development since 2008
Description of Duties
You can't help but love our little muffin, Lisa. Lover of a freshly opened box of crayons, Sweetwater's donuts, and alpacas - she's a kid at heart. Despite her fondness for childlike things, Lisa is hardly childish herself; she never ceases to amaze us (and our clients) with her boundless intelligence, poise, and the confident manner in which she carries herself.
A true gem with office-perfect posture, meticulous manners, and an off-the-hook sense of humor, she makes even the most nerve-racking days bearable. One of the most generous and giving people you'll ever meet; she'd give you the shirt off her back without batting an eye. She's not too shabby at her job either; we couldn't possibly build a website without her! Lisa is an absolute stickler for details, researching and collecting stats like a super sleuth. When she's through with this marketing gig she should definitely start another career as a private detective. We know Lisa's one sharp cat and the best part is we've barely scratched the surface.
Fun Facts
In between trips to the park and family time, Lisa hones her artistic talents. Her meticulously drawn stick-figure portraits and complex tissue paper collages are celebrated the world over (or at least we like 'em). A few of Lisa's crafty works even depict memorable office antics. Her artwork in the kitchen typically involves adding chickpeas to baked goods - what?!