By Heather Isch
Wilferd A. Peterson once said, “When we become more fully aware that our success is due in large measure to the loyalty, helpfulness, and encouragement we have received from others, our desire grows to pass on similar gifts. Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us. The spirit of gratitude is a powerful energizer.”
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to talk about thankfulness in terms of our work family, the world around us, and our clients. I sent three questions to the LKF team and their answers centered primarily around togetherness, collaboration, and grace.
Here’s what our team had to say:
What are you most thankful for since you returned to work?
- Feeling togetherness and comradery.
- Having separation between home and work.
- The energy that happens when we are in community with our co-workers and clients.
- It’s fun to be able to collaborate with my friends at work in a variety of ways!
- I'm thankful for my job and the stability it brings to my life. With so many things in our world feeling so uneasy and difficult, being able to come to work with a consistent routine is a blessing.
- I am most thankful for connecting and doing business with our staff, clients, and vendors in person.
What about your work team or industry makes you smile or causes you to feel gratitude?
- When people are surprised at how much easier it was to work together in person.
- When there is a success or breakthrough, even if it's small, and the team feels excited about what’s next.
- When you can see someone put the dots together and figure out how to make something awesome happen.
- I love it when we can problem-solve for a client and help them get the results they want. I love that I work with a team that has a multitude of perspectives and skills.
- I am grateful that the teams that I work on (creative and web) are flexible with each other's needs and are willing to step in and help each other when we're overwhelmed with other work or life.
- Collaboration and learning new things makes me smile. Our creative department is doing great work to up the creative game for the whole agency, and I am excited!
- I enjoy helping clients reach their audiences with consistency despite a long stretch of time when they were not being able to interact with their customers in person.
- When clients say, we really would prefer to see you in person. Can we schedule a meeting?
- I have never felt so valued! I am trusted to take on projects, prove myself, and learn through new experiences. Every day is a new challenge to take on, and I'm given the tools and encouragement to be successful. I'm so thankful for this!
What do you think the world could use most right now? How do we help our business and our clients?
- There is another pandemic going on. One of impatience, judgement, and lack of gratitude for each other. What we all need the most right now is simply grace.
- To move business forward, we just need to combine that grace with a little moxie to realize that helping our business helps ourselves to move on from the struggles of the past two years.
- I think the world could use more patience. There’s so much going on and we need to have patience and grace for each other.
- To embrace and lean further into our interconnectedness.
- The world needs more expressions of kindness and grace. Being able to have compassion for someone else having a bad day or trying to empathize why some people are in difficult circumstances is so important right now.
- I think the world could use more grace, patience, and kindness toward ourselves and others. We have been so divided and isolated. The last five months since we've been back in the office has been about getting back in the groove, but we still have a little way to go. If we have faith that we will get there, we can help our clients have faith in turn and pivot in ways that can benefit their customers and our community.
- The world could use more love and kindness, always! The love and kindness that are shown in our office allow for flexibility with everyone's different opinions, situations, and comfortability during this crazy time, and I think everyone could use that!
We would love to hear your thoughts about gratitude and thankfulness. Please share your thoughts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Better yet, contact us to tell us in person!