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LANSING, Mich.—President & Owner/CEO of LKF Marketing (LKF) Heather Isch was appointed to the board of directors for the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) on July 1.

“As we undergo this period of extensive change in Michigan’s economy, SBAM is lucky to have small business leaders in varied industries from every part of the state working on bipartisan solutions for our biggest challenges,” said SBAM President and CEO Brian Calley. “Our board will work collaboratively with leadership in Lansing to address the greatest threats to Michigan’s future prosperity - population growth, labor costs, and inflation – to ensure Michigan is a place every small business can thrive.”

Isch will serve a three-year term as a director on the SBAM board, along with 23 other small business leaders from around the state. According to its website, SBAM is the “only statewide and state-based association that focuses solely on serving the needs of Michigan’s small business community.” It serves all 83 counties in Michigan and has been active since 1969.

Isch’s business, LKF Marketing, is based in Kalamazoo and became Small Business Certified in June 2023.

Small Business Certification through SBAM provides small businesses with tools and resources to address common needs such as attracting and retaining talent, managing employee benefit programs, offering discounts on business expenses, and helping to maintain compliance.

“I’m looking forward to serving alongside other business owners to make our voices heard in Lansing but also to continue to be a support to the members of SBAM,” Isch stated. “It is an honor and a great way to give back to the organization that has helped me personally lead a better company.”

To learn more about SBAM’s mission, board of directors, and benefits for Michigan small businesses, visit

LKF Marketing is a full-service marketing communications agency located in downtown Kalamazoo. Since 1989, LKF has helped businesses and organizations achieve their marketing goals through strategic planning, results-driven creative execution, and communication tactics.