By Heather Isch
Things are still a little bumpy and unknown for our world right now. COVID-19 has turned many day-to-day business routines into remote operations and left society as a whole with more questions than answers.
In March, we blogged about the importance of continuing marketing efforts in times of trouble. And last month, we shared how the use of an alternative image format may help ease internet congestion.
In this month’s Industry Insight from LKF Marketing, we turn to a question many organizations are struggling with, “How do we stay in front of our customers and target audiences when we can’t travel or meet them in person?”
The simple answer is: go digital.
Our first plan of attack is to better leverage digital media. Online campaigns, social media, webinars, enews, and video conferencing are tools that the LKF team regularly uses when face-to-face interaction or trade show marketing is not feasible.
Your website is also a critical digital tool in your marketing mix, serving as your 24/7/365 salesperson and brand ambassador. For this reason, we have developed a website health assessment tool.
At LKF Marketing, helping our family to thrive is our passion. We’ve always defined our family as our work team, their families, our clients and their families, and our community. Right now, we need to do everything we can to help our collective family endure and emerge from the pandemic in the best situation possible.
We want to put our talents to use by providing intelligent marketing solutions to our family and beyond. Whether you are an LKF client and member of the LKF family already, considering working with us, or just in need of some extra digital advice, you are invited to request a free Web Health Assessment.
Even the best salesperson takes a sick day or needs a checkup every now and then. Much like a person, your website needs all its various systems working harmoniously to live its best life. Consider this Website Health Assessment a physical workup for your virtual salesperson.
We believe in a holistic approach to marketing. If needed, we will prescribe tactics to help improve your website’s health and wellness!
If you’d like to share how you are staying in front of your customers and continuing to drive our economy, weigh in on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. Together we will all get through this!
In good times and bad, the LKF Marketing team is here to help you. Contact us for specific guidance. Once again, we remind you to be sure to scrub your hands, not your marketing efforts!