A campaign to restore an iconic piece of Kalamazoo history
In January 2022, KNAC met with LKF to begin the campaign development process for its project to restore the First Baptist Church in downtown Kalamazoo. The first meeting was a time of discovery creating a solid foundation for the next steps and actions that needed to be completed short term to ensure a successful building renovation and fundraising campaign.
After deliberate strategizing and planning to lay the foundation for the campaign, our team got to work on a campaign logo and tagline as well as printed materials for distribution. Up to this point we've created a detailed campaign booklet, a general campaign trifold brochure, a campaign update brochure, and stationery for personalized donor thank-you notes. We also created a website.
While considering the content and design of these things, we focused on the message that Kalamazoo is an evolving community that is becoming more livable and modern, while maintaining a brand voice that conveyed a passionate interest in growing local arts, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Services Provided
Account service, capital campaign strategy and planning, campaign logo and tagline creation, copywriting, graphic design, vendor management