MDARD trusted LKF to create a website promoting MIAgExport.
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development's (MDARD) International Marketing Program (IMP) turned to LKF for help creating an interactive and easy-to-update MIAgExport website illustrating the program's offerings.
We created a simple user interface paired with a sophisticated back-end to power the tools MIAgExport uses most frequently. Tying the branding and aesthetics to the existing IMP brand, the website serves as a one-stop source for information on Michigan exports, directories of Michigan companies already exporting internationally, and events to connect businesses to international buyers.
The website is helpful to Michigan sellers as well as international buyers. Using the site, Michigan companies can find events regarding international selling and the best markets to sell their products. International buyers can access a comprehensive, searchable directory to find exportable Michigan-made agriculture and food products and learn more about Michigan agricultural products and the industry itself.
Services Provided
Account service, copywriting, graphic design, vendor management